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Colour in the Curriculum

Creating a diverse and inclusive environment in the classroom requires a commitment to produce change with even the smallest action.  Teachers have minimal time to deliver on high expectations.  So let us do the heavy lifting so you can continue to focus on teaching!


Reading lists

Keeping on top of the most useful and interesting books for both pupils and teachers is a timely process.  We can research and provide active and diverse reading suggestions for both teachers and the different key stages across a number of topics.


Topic support

Injecting colour into the classroom, we research and liaise with historians and educators to supplement the current topics being taught over the terms. From providing evidence of black people living in Stuart England for topics on the Great Fire of London and The Plague, to adding the contribution of Chinese Britons to Fibre Optic Technology! 


Equipment curation

Creating a diverse economy includes providing children with tools that make them feel seen.  We research and help to build your school's inventory of educational toys, seek out crayons that include all skin tones and will go above and beyond to find that special item (miniature Indian cooking set anyone?).  This really builds self esteem in young minds. Representation matters!

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